Immanence is Here!

50x50 LT Immanence is here in both e-version and paperback, brought to you by Story Spring Publishing.

From the book’s page on Amazon: The gods and demons of ages past didn’t simply give up and walk away when people stopped believing in them . . .

They’re still here, still real.

In our workplaces. In our homes.

They’re with us from the day we’re born until the day we die. And beyond.

The seventeen stories of IMMANENCE will beguile and amuse you. They will challenge and terrify you. Like the gods and demons themselves, each will show a different face to you.

I’m so proud to be a part of this collection of short stories. Fixation is the first glance of The Melting Pot series. It’s an urban fantasy series whose protagonist comes of age as a Japanese mythical shape-shifter living in Los Angeles.

'Fixation' by Lin Thornhill (SSP)

‘Fixation’ by Lin Thornhill (SSP)


Another Short Story Accepted!

My short story, Fixation, has been accepted by J.L. Aldis for publication in the next anthology from Story Spring Publishing. The anthology is entitled  Immanence and I believe the release is some time this winter. I’ve seen the prototype cover art and it’s awesome; the gods v. demons theme practically leaps from the page. I can’t wait to post a copy of it here.

The most exciting aspect of this for me is this short is the foundation of a novel series I’ve been putting together for the past year. I can hardly wait to get it all written and then out there for people to read. It has everything I love in a story: mythological creatures, gods and goddesses, demons, angels, everyday life in the big city, sibling love and rivalry, and a touch of romance.

I’m wrestling my bio into submission — it’s fighting back!

Plot Shifts

Invariably when I begin a story/novel/short, etc., my plot evolves into something new, more, different than I originally expected. It’s always better, and I’m ecstatic to say my NaNo novel has already shifted.  I’m five thousand words in and it’s grown.

I just love that.

It Has Legs

The anthology is being well-received, and I’m thrilled. It moved up the charts of the SF/F Anthologies, and broke the top 100 in Paranormal on Amazon, both UK and the US. It’s now available from Barnes & Noble and in both Kindle and Nook format.  What an awesome start for Story Spring Publishing.

I’m already flexing my fingers on the keyboard for the future, including a little spy novel I’m having a blast writing.

It’s Alive!

The third time is really the charm.

My short story ‘Verisimilitude’ was released today!

The anthology Thoroughly Modern Monsters, edited by the brilliant J.L. Aldis, is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo in both book and e-format. It’s Story Spring Publishing’s inaugural release. They have a number of other releases in the pipeline, and I’m ecstatic to be one of the authors showcased in their first publication!

This is my third time to have a short story placed for publication. The first two failed to reach fruition for a number of reasons, one of which I posted on this site. Yet, this time it’s really happening. I couldn’t be happier, or prouder of the company my little story is keeping. My fellow authors are clever, witty, and inspiring.

The Lake is Vast

When I first read The Artist’s Way, I was captivated by the concept of making time for a weekly date with your creative self. I adopted the idea with marginal success, and in the intervening years weekly dates have turned to monthly, and more recently even less frequent.

This morning, however, as I rambled along the lanes near Lake Michigan’s shore, I realized just how vital those private moments are. This is my first time here so I wandered down a sandy path between tree-lined embankments, and spied a break in the lush vegetation. I meandered in that direction, admiring the fine grit of the local sand, pausing to listen to a squirrel chitter angrily at me while taking a break from cleaning its paws. I continued on my lazy stroll, and then I found the lake. It stretched to the misty moisty horizon, and was glassy and still. Nearby, beach grass poked its tenacious head through a sandy bluff, proudly gaining its freedom amongst its brethren.

Oh, it was lovely.

I had forgotten how clarifying those private moments can be.

Oh, yes, I shall be having more of those artist’s dates in the future.

On Writing

50x50 LT When I was still in college I dreamed about becoming a writer, but the thought had no real meaning to me. Writers were fantastical creatures of plots and endlessly lit cigarettes. During that time, I worked as a part-time receptionist in a medical malpractice law firm, and I found one of the clients particularly inspirational. Albert Maltz was named among the Hollywood Ten (blacklisted by the studios when they buckled under the political pressure of McCarthyism,) and an Academy Award winner for his screenplay, The Robe.

After several encounters with the gentle elderly man, I gathered the courage to tell him of my dreams and ask if he had any advice for overcoming my fears of a blank page.

His answer was simple and direct. “Write for the trashcan.”

It has taken me many years to fully comprehend the scope of his meaning.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a blank page or writer’s block. “Just write,” he said. “You’ll throw the first page away, and the second. By the time you’ve finished four or five pages you’ll have something worth keeping.”

He was right.

Every time I’m stuck I remind myself to write for the trashcan.

Thank you, Mr. Maltz!